With the passing this past weekend of one of my closest, long-time friends, Joh, to seeing news in the Times and Guardian of the passing of Guy Carawan, and other losses friends have faced this past week, I am feeling the passage of time. Here is a photo I took of Guy and Candy Carawan years ago. He is best known for helping adapt an African-American gospel hymn to become the Civil Rights anthem "We Shall Overcome." Later he would become music director at Highlander Center, work with groups to improve mine conditions in the Appalachians, and collect folk music in the southeast. It all mixes together. A lesson to me is to make good use of one's time. In recent months, I had spoken regularly with Joh, talking on serious topics of faith, the passing of his mother years before, and his pride in his son. The last two times we talked, I made a point to tell him how much he meant to me. Tomorrow, while remembering my friend, I'll also be playing some vinyls of Carawan's music.