We allow the meanness.

I am so very bothered at all the meanness. I see on the local level some leadership and empathy. But a young person I’ve known (in his thirties) said a few weeks back to just let the virus spread, immunity would spread, and the fit would survive. He is Calvinist, is that part of his position? But I know other good people in that tradition. Argh.

Bottom line, folks in charge could not get away with callousness if there weren’t a sizable people who did not object, who didn’t show more self-interest than concern for others. I see that callousness in individuals, organizations, and even in some churches.

I am not talking about a particular political party. I don’t want others to use my words to start some back-and-forth bickering or attempts to score points.

No, I just want folks to stop and be kind. At every level. The Bible says we will be known by the way we treat the “widows and orphans,” in other words those without, whether today that is without shelter, a job, access to good health care, or a good immune system.

It is easy to try to please people who will help us get ahead, will help us earn a buck (or kickback), will help us get a job or promotion, are young and good looking, are fun to be around, or agree with us politically and theologically. But that is not how we will be judged in the end, to believe the scriptures.